
The Few and Cursed

Created by Felipe Cagno

Welcome to The Few and Cursed & Timberwolf Entertainment online store! Please scroll down for all our titles including digital editions of sold out books like both the 321: Fast Comics. The Few and Cursed is a creator-owned comic book series about people trying to survive a world where most of the water was just gone overnight in a mysterious apocalyptic event in 1840. People turned to dark arts, old tales of mischief and curses to survive. But for every darkness there is also light - and among the few and cursed are those willing to fight to bring balance to the lands: the Curse Chasers.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fulfillment for The Few and Cursed #4 is now 100% complete!
over 5 years ago – Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 01:36:36 AM


Hiya everyone!

Just wanted to share with you all that fulfillment for issue #4 is now 100% complete. Over 800 packages were sent out and I've been really appreciating the fantastic feedback from backers. 

I know many of you, if not most, were backers on that Kickstarter and if you were waiting to get your issue #4 rewards before completing your BackerKit surveys for issue #5, rest assured they will all arrive before March 15th when surveys lock.

The Lost Kids on BackerKit (scroll down the add-ons page)


Quick heads-up that my other comic book series, a fantasy epic adventure, The Lost Kids: Seeking Samarkand is available for you guys on BackerKit, they are down the add-ons list just past all the Few and Cursed items.

The books have turned out beautifully and it's a work I'm really proud of. You can add print or digital copies to your pledges and they will be sent out along with your TFAC #5 books.

About the Lost Kids:

It is a love letter to Goonies, the 80s cartoon Dungeons & Dragons and Final Fantasy! 

It tells the story of a group of five teenagers that after being mysteriously transported to a world filled with magic and airships must find a lost city in order to return home - the city of Samarkand.

Details about the book:

144 full color pages

Graphic novel format

Every book comes with a collectible dust-jacket

Part 1 of 2 (the new Kickstarter happening in March '19)

Thank you all so much for your add-ons and BackerKit surveys! I will be sure to be in touch again on the 15th to remind you all of the lock down date.

All the best!


BackerKit Surveys have been sent and will be locked down on March 15th!
over 5 years ago – Fri, Feb 22, 2019 at 01:04:37 AM


Hiya there!

Quick update to let everyone know BACKERKIT SURVEYS HAVE BEEN SENT! And you really can't and won't get your rewards - even digital ones - if you don't fill those out.

If you haven't received your BackerKit invite please follow these steps:

Keep an eye out on your Spam Folder or Junk Mail. E-mails will come either directly from myself (Felipe Cagno) or BackerKit.

If you didn't spot them manually, try using the "Search" feature from your e-mail account and look for either my name or BackerKit.

If none of the above hasn't worked then click the link below, hit the "Lost your Survey?" and input your Kickstarter registered e-mail:

Shipping Problems, Missing rewards or any other issues

Glitches might happen. For instance I was already told that the Chronicles of The Few and Cursed Digital format add-on was priced at $7 when it should have been $5 - this was already corrected so everyone adding this to their pledges can rest knowing they will be charged the right amount.

If you have any issues filling out your surveys or adding items to your pledge please contact me immediately either by replying this message or e-mailing me at [email protected]

I'm here to help and make this experience as smooth as possible.


Please note this will be the LAST CHANCE to upgrade to the Kickstarter Exclusive Edition or add it to your pledge. It's fairly easy, on the third screen of your survey just scroll down our menu of add-ons, pick whatever you like and BackerKit will tally up and charge you whatever extra balance you have left.

PLEASE NOTE: Credit cards are not charged immediately. They are only charged after the surveys lock down on March 15th.


Also until we lock the Surveys down on March 15th you can go back at any moment to make any changes, edit your add-on order and whatnot.

I'm trying to cover any and all big questions in this one long update and my previous one (click here to read the BackerKit FAQ!) but obviously if there is still anything confusing do not hesitate to contact me. I might not answer right away but I usually get back to everyone within 24 hours.

Thanks again for making this an awesome Kickstarter, you guys are the best!!

All the best,

Production on Issue #5 is now complete and BackerKit coming up! Here's what you need to know =)
over 5 years ago – Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 11:36:25 PM


Hello everyone,

I have a lot to share with you all. First and foremost Fabiano is 100% done with the artwork for issue #5 and we're on track to go to print by March 1st as outlined in my previous Update.

That means we will be fulfilling all Digital Rewards shortly after around mid-March but in order to do so I need all of you to fill out your BackerKit Surveys:

BackerKit Surveys are coming by the end of the week and they are MANDATORY!

In the next day or two you’ll receive an email with a personal link to your BackerKit Survey. Filling them out is not optional. If you do not complete your survey you will not get your rewards, folks.

It’s important to respond to your survey as quickly as possible since I'll need this information to fulfill your rewards - the surveys will tell me the item count and that's why these are going out already.

Surveys will be sent to the e-mail account you registered with Kickstarter and they may end up in your Spam or Junk folder. 

Please note: If you used your Facebook credentials to log in to your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey is sent to the email address you use for your Facebook account.

How long will BackerKit surveys be online?

I will lock down surveys on March 15th. After that time, backers will not be able to add anything on to their pledges or fix any payment issues occurred during the Kickstarter campaign.

This also marks the LAST CHANCE to grab the Kickstarter Exclusive Edition that will be printed on demand with a chromium finish, so be sure to get your survey in before that date!

Also, credit cards are not charged immediately when you finish up your survey if you added anything to your pledges. I just need an item count confirmation so I can have the printer get all the quantities correctly - especially the PRINT ON DEMAND Kickstarter exclusive edition.

You will be charged after March 15th when the Surveys lock.

Do I need to sign-up for BackerKit?

You don’t need to create a BackerKit account to fill out the survey. When you receive the email just click the survey link to respond. Answer the questions about your reward preferences, provide shipping information, and purchase add-on items if you like.

What happens if I need to update my Shipping Address after March 15th?

If you need to review your shipping information you can always return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link again under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page. 

Addresses won't be locked until a week or two prior to shipping.

Exclusive sneak peek at one of the cards of the board game!
Exclusive sneak peek at one of the cards of the board game!

What about the add-ons I already purchased through Kickstarter during the campaign?

That's why BackerKit is so important. It sees you over-pledged and gives you extra credit to be used towards any add-ons. Just pick whatever you like from the menu on the third screen and use the extra credit. 

Don't worry if you go over whatever credit you have, you will be able to pay any leftover balance at the end of the process. This is also the opportunity to add anything extra to your pledge.

Any questions about BackerKit, the process, add-ons, anything really, please do not hesitate to e-mail me at [email protected]

Have a good one and until the next update!


BackerKit Surveys coming up plus Digital files!
over 5 years ago – Wed, Feb 06, 2019 at 12:11:59 AM


Hiya folks!

A lot of you guys already know, being repeat backers, that The Few and Cursed #4 had numerous printing problems that delayed production in an unforeseen way that costs us a lot of time. I've been focusing all my energy in fulfilling that Kickstarter before giving this one my full attention.


I'm happy to finally announce we're almost done with TFAC #4 fulfillment and issue #5 is about 75% complete. Here are some dates as we finally move forward:

- Feb. 18th: I expect to have BackerKit surveys complete and on the way to you folks. This is a key step in fulfilling your rewards as the surveys give me the exact count of items to produce and also is the only way to download your digital copies.

- March 1st: Issue #5 will be complete by then and going to print. We will also be immediately fulfilling all digital rewards at this point.

- End of April / Early May: I'll get the printed materials from the printer and commence fulfillment.

- End of May: Fulfillment complete.


Unfortunately as it so happens we will be four to six weeks late on delivery but as you peek through the previews I really hope the extra wait is over. Fabiano and I apologize for the delay but we will always value quality over crunch time so we really allowed ourselves to do our best work without rushing.

As we're already wrapping up the artwork I don't expect any more delays on the dates above and there's a slight chance we might be able to move them up if we go to print earlier - it will all depend on how fast I can conclude the previous Kickstarter.


As always if anyone has any questions or critiques feel free to shoot me a message right here on Kickstarter or email at [email protected].

You guys can also find me on Facebook and Instagram and please go over to The Few and Cursed official Facebook page and give it a like ;)

Thank you all so much for your patience and support!



New PDF delivery date plus Sneak Peeks and what to expect in 2019!
over 5 years ago – Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 01:01:44 AM

Howdy, everyone! How is everyone doing?!

I just wanted to reach out one last time before the Holidays to offer one more Production Update. 

We just had Comic Con Experience in São Paulo - Brazil (now officially the world's biggest convention as far as square footage and attendance with a whopping 260,000 people across four days!!) and that derailed us a little bit as far production on book 5.

It is not a significant delay as far as going to print but I'm afraid we won't be sharing digital files until next month.


The exclusive artwork Fabiano did for our banner at CCXP in São Paulo!
The exclusive artwork Fabiano did for our banner at CCXP in São Paulo!

It is still a delay since I know some of you were already anxiously waiting to read issue #5 over the break but as always Fabiano and I will value quality over time any day of the week.

And you can tell from the previews below that quality is the rule of thumb of this comic, I mean, the level of detail Fabiano has been putting on these pages are just overwhelming:

The artwork is coming along quite nicely and I sincerely expect to continue going to print in mid-January - again: when I'll also be sending the PDFs to every backers as well.

Some, if not most, around here already know how hard it's been to work with our series' past printer but I wanted to assure all of you we have switched printers and the new vendor has just been extremely professional and on time. Those are good news when we do finish the art.

All the other rewards are currently in production at different stages each but none have suffered any delays as of right now. By the time we go to print in January I fully expect to be ready to start shipping out your rewards by the end of March.

Here's a sneak peek at the double-sided bookmark by Lauren Marshall and Vinicius Townsend:


Oh we have a very special year ahead of us and Fabiano and myself couldn't be more thrilled. 

We'll kick off the year with the release of the deck-building BOARD GAME by Rock Manor Games which is coming along just beautifully with a fantastic game design by Mike Gnade.

The game will feature brand new and exclusively commissioned 100+ pieces of artwork by master comic artists like Luke Ross, Will Conrad, Harvey Tolibao, Guilherme Balbi, Jean Diaz, Santtos, Marcio Menyz, Dijjo Lima and many more!

We're really excited about the game as we will be using it to expand the ever-growing Redhead universe \o/

We will also launch the Kickstarter for the Crows of Mana'Olana season finale (issue #6!!!) on the first semester of 2019 with a Kickstarter exclusive cover by Animosity's artist RAFAEL DELATORRE with colors by JUAN FERNANDEZ!

The second semester holds a few surprises as well - chief among them the release of an ART BOOK collecting several pin-ups we've done over the years for the series. 

The book will bring exclusive and never seen before art including sneak peeks at preliminary art, sketches, black and white versions of fully colored pieces and yes, even brand new content by top creators!

I hope you guys enjoyed all the eye-candy from this last 2018 update and I will be back in touch early next year.

As always if anyone has any questions or critiques feel free to shoot me a message right here on Kickstarter or email at [email protected].

You guys can also find me on Facebook and Instagram and please go over to The Few and Cursed official Facebook page and give it a like ;)

Happy Holidays!