
The Few and Cursed

Created by Felipe Cagno

Welcome to The Few and Cursed & Timberwolf Entertainment online store! Please scroll down for all our titles including digital editions of sold out books like both the 321: Fast Comics. The Few and Cursed is a creator-owned comic book series about people trying to survive a world where most of the water was just gone overnight in a mysterious apocalyptic event in 1840. People turned to dark arts, old tales of mischief and curses to survive. But for every darkness there is also light - and among the few and cursed are those willing to fight to bring balance to the lands: the Curse Chasers.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Two more Stretch Goals unlocked including the first Gold Signature Series card!
almost 6 years ago – Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 05:23:50 AM

Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap!

Go on, tap yourselves in the shoulder, you are all awesome and you've done superbly well over the weekend \o/


Well, this is awkward... I haven't determined the artist yet because I was hoping to find a really artist to join us during NYCC. And I did.

But you guys unlocked the Stretch Goal before I could work out a deal... I promise I will have news about the double-sided bookmark Artist soon! :)

I continue to keep missing words to express my gratitude towards the impressive support you all have shown for The Few and Cursed, thank you so much!

As a card collector myself I always love when we unlock a Collectible Card stretch goal, it's really exciting and we're now officially continuing the Gold Signature Series with card #8 of 9 (I'm confident we will also unlock card #9 soon!!!!)

If any of our most recent backers would like to add any cards above to go along with cards #8 (and hopefully #9) they are $2.50 each or $16 for the whole set of seven. Just up your pledges accordingly and pick the cards out when we send out BackerKit surveys once the Kickstarter ends.

Here are the next Stretch Goals we have planned (and that's just the first set! If we do go over $30K we will have a new batch of surprises to share!):


Yep, the next Stretch Goal will DOUBLE the books backers will be getting in the mail!

We'll be shipping off The Few and Cursed #5 in full color and in black and white, both in print!

Let's keep up this pace and brake every The Few and Cursed record we've set in previous campaigns, we can do this!!!


One more Stretch Goal unlocked as we near 48hrs since the launch!
almost 6 years ago – Fri, Oct 05, 2018 at 06:34:18 AM

Hey guys!

Great news, you guys keep pledging, we keep unlocking Stretch Goals and here's another one \o/

This has been a surreal experience so far. Never has any The Few and Cursed Kickstarter unlocked this many Stretch Goals this fast. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE OVERWHELMING SUPPORT!

As we gun for Stretch Goal #4, I'd love to share the inks for the Danusko Campos metal 9-card set showing Red's unique abilities. This set is already included in some of the higher tier packages but it can be added on to ANY tier by upping the pledge by $20.

Let's keep the momentum going and here's the update Stretch Goals score board. And yes, if we go well above $30K you guys can expect a whole new batch of goodies!!

Let's do this, folks, YEAH!!! :D

The Few and Cursed at New York Comic Con - table E-30 in Artist Alley

A couple of people were surprised to see the Redhead in Artist Alley at New York Comic Con and I guess with the launch of the new issue I might have forgotten to let you all know I'm at table E-30!!

Come say hi and have a chat! We're also giving away free exclusive convention post-cards ;)

Once again thanks so much and until the next update!


Stretch Goals #1 and #2 UNLOCKED in less than 24hrs!!!
almost 6 years ago – Thu, Oct 04, 2018 at 05:37:09 AM

Howdy, folks!

Thanks to your incredible support in these first almost 24 hours we have already UNLOCKED the first two Stretch Goals and we're now currently gunning for #3 \o/

Every single backer will now get a digital edition of the comic in Black and White!!

And every backer pledging for any print tier will get a new COLLECTIBLE CROW FRIDGE MAGNET, number #5 of the series, to join the first four previously released.

Talk about a murder of crows crowding the old fridge, huh? ;)

Our next Stretch Goal is one of my favorites as it's always so much fun seeing what different artists do with the Redhead and Camila Torrano killed it, her art looks phenomenal!

Here are the latest stats of our Kickstarter and feel free to share them online in any form, show them to a friend, post anywhere, let's make some noise!!

This has been an incredible start and I really wanted to THANK YOU ALL again!! Let's keep the momentum going, lots of cool stuff to unlock. Go, go, go!!! :D


FUNDED IN 4 and 1/2 HOURS!!! \o/
almost 6 years ago – Wed, Oct 03, 2018 at 03:12:28 PM



Thank you so much for the overwhelming support in these first few hours of the Kickstarter for issue #5!!!

I can barely hold my excitement as I write this. We've hit our initial goal in four and half hours making this the fastest we've ever funded one of my comics. I really have no words to express my gratitude!

It's time now to go after some Stretch Goals and the first is really within our reach already - exactly less than $200 away, folks:

I really hope we are able to go well beyond the $30K as Fabiano and I have a few surprises up our sleeves for the next batch of Stretch Goals.

I'd like to ask you guys to talk about The Few and Cursed to your peers, friends and family. There is nothing like a personal referral. So take it to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, call up a friend, recommend the series in forums and groups. I'm positive we will make this Kickstarter campaign our best one yet!

Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for the absolutely fantastic and well above my highest expectations start, I could not be more appreciative, guys and gals!

Onwards to the first stretch goal then \o/
