
The Few and Cursed

Created by Felipe Cagno

Welcome to The Few and Cursed & Timberwolf Entertainment online store! Please scroll down for all our titles including digital editions of sold out books like both the 321: Fast Comics. The Few and Cursed is a creator-owned comic book series about people trying to survive a world where most of the water was just gone overnight in a mysterious apocalyptic event in 1840. People turned to dark arts, old tales of mischief and curses to survive. But for every darkness there is also light - and among the few and cursed are those willing to fight to bring balance to the lands: the Curse Chasers.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New The Few and Cursed graphic novel launching on Kickstarter in November!! Previews right here \o/
almost 5 years ago – Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 12:13:39 AM

Hiya gang!

Just thought I'd share some exciting news for The Few and Cursed universe coming up in the Fall & Winter this year.

There's the digital distribution of Issue #6, a brand new graphic novel set in the same universe and our exciting plans for the future of the franchise. Allow me one thing first before I get into all TFAC things related and share new art!


That's right, I'm wrapping up another Kickstarter tonight and thanks to the support of many of you we're currently a couple of hundred dollars away from $30K!

If you haven't checked out this new book series this is the LAST CALL. We've been unlocking Stretch Goals left and right and I couldn't be happier about this first campaign and book. This is a much needed story in our current times and I appreciate you all giving me the voice to tell it.

The book features amazing artwork and will bring a chilling story of a real-life villain as it comments on human nature and how we can all be better and work for a better world. Here's one of the latest pages Bräo has turned in and please note this is a snapshot of his desk featuring a recently finished page without any digital enhancement:


First up is a very special preview of issue #6 as Fabiano Neves is now halfway through production and I must say it's by far his most ambitious and gorgeous project. 

Tiago Barsa, our colorist, also started turning in pages, and much like Fabiano, looks like he found his groove within this world and the right shade of red for Red's hair. The Few and Cursed #6 will be distributed digitally to Kickstarter backers on November 17th via BackerKit. Books will be mailed to backers in January.

Without further ado, enjoy some exclusive pages:


Originally scheduled to be launched on Kickstarter next month we have pushed that back for a few weeks to allow us to prep more art and completely wrap up production on TFAC #6 first. We will be distributing exclusive New York Comic Con post-cards to attendees though.

Just stop by table E-30 at Artists Alley to pick up yours free \o/

Starting October 2nd though we will have a pre-launch and sign-up page for the book set up so fans can be immediately notified as soon as we go live in November.

Here's the NYCC exclusive post-card artwork:

And here's the layout/sketch for the proposed VARIANT double-cover:

THE FEW AND CURSED: SHADOW NATION arrives on Kickstarter November 19th!

Last but not least I will be announcing the production calendar for 2020 on October 31st and why is that important?

Because next year will be the official start date for the second season of The Few and Cursed!!

Thanks so much for tagging along for this exciting project and journey. It's been an absolute blast creating, writing and working on this title with the continued support of all of you. 


All the best,


New graphic novel already 100% funded on Kickstarter and a "Project We Love", time to go after some exciting Stretch Goals!
about 5 years ago – Sat, Aug 31, 2019 at 01:25:23 AM

Hey everyone!

I know most here already knows about One-Eyed Jack and even backed too so I wanted to first THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for taking this leap of faith on a completely new piece of IP - especially one with such a difficult and sensitive subject matter at its core.

It's already challenging putting yourself out there with an indie comic book but knowing you all have my back really means the world to me. It's because of you, my audience, my loyal readers, that I spend day in and day out working with comics on my own terms. So yeah, once again, thank you!

The great news is not only we get to chase down some exciting Stretch Goals as you can see from the board above, it is with great pleasure I also get to announce Kickstarter picked One-Eyed Jack as a Project We Love.

There are so many fantastic comic book projects out there that it is really humbling and flattering to be picked as one of their favorites. I hope that this sort of validation will get many of you to come check out the project if you haven't yet and perhaps even pledge if that's your thing.

I'd really go bananas if we got all the way up to 200 backers today, we are not that far :D

I'm teaming up with one of TV's greatest writers and exec producers for this project and it's been one heck of an experience. One that I really hope will positively impact whatever plans or wishes we all might have for a live-action or animated The Few and Cursed adaptation.

I can't forget to mention as well that the entire graphic novel will sport simply gorgeous watercolor pages from beginning to end by Brazilian based artist BRÄO.

So there you go, my good friends, this is One-Eyed Jack Vol. 1. I hope you come check it out \o/


Oh we got some fantastic projects brewing in the TFAC universe. Fabiano is currently working on issue #6 and it looks better than ever. I really feel he's been getting the hang of this world and character and it shows on his art.

We also have an exciting spin-off coming up in the Fall introducing a whole new batch of characters while finally bringing some of the characters created on Chronicles and for the game to the main stage. It features artwork by Rui Silveira and colors by Teodoro 'Deffectx' Gonzales with an original script by yours truly.

October can't come soon enough!



Allow me to also introduce another Kickstarter great project. Sebastian Jones and his team over at Stranger Comics have been killing it with the world of Asunda and his string of successful Kickstarters. 

It is such a rich and complex fantasy universe that it got picked up by HBO to become their next big-fantasy TV series a la Game of Thrones. 

They launched two days ago and are already fully funded, also a Project We Love and unlocking some pretty thrilling Stretch Goals! They have raised over $50K in the past 48hrs, I believe such stats demand a looksie to say the least.

From their own project: "The  world of Asunda revolves around Niobe Ayutamu, a young half-elf warrior  woman struggling with her faith in humanity and the world. After  witnessing too much wickedness, in She is Death we see a hero’s journey  from a young warrior into a roaming vigilante, a bounty hunter who hunts  down slave traders and sex traffickers."

There ya go, folks, a fantastic sequence of great announcements exclusively to you - the best fans in the world!

Thanks so much!


Fulfillment is 100% COMPLETE! Every package and every item have been shipped out \o/
about 5 years ago – Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 01:36:41 AM

It is done, folks!

I'm writing this update from Brazil already as fulfillment ended a few short hours before I jumped on the plane so needless to say I didn't have time to do this before.

Every single package has been shipped out. Please allow up to 3 or 4 weeks for your package to arrive - especially if you live outside the US - before contacting me about not receiving them.

I won't be back in the US until September 30th anyway so until then there's nothing I can do about missing or damaged items anyway. With that said mistakes can and do happen so if there is ANY problem with your package please follow the below instructions:


If you received any items that got damaged in transit please E-MAIL me photos of the damage at [email protected]

Please be considerate of what you perceive as damage. Creases at the corner of the page are very different than comics arriving bent or ripped. I will do my best to do right by every backer after assessing the photos of the damage and will ship replacements at no extra cost or fee.

Also be mindful of the minor wear that the Kickstarter Exclusive Chromium books were delivered to me. Chances are I won't be able to send a crispier book.


Every backer got at least 9 items sent in the mail, that was the most basic package going out. Every package went out with a collectible coin, post-cards, collectible cards and more. From there backers built their custom rewards adding more and more items with a couple of high-tier packages including up to 50 items in a huge box!!!

My point here is that it is possible an item might be missing from your rewards. Please check carefully against your order and then E-MAIL me at [email protected] with your shipping address and details on what is missing.


If you are among those that were waiting to get your TFAC#5 books before moving on to issue #6 now is the perfect opportunity. We're still taking pre-orders to be shipped off along with the Kickstarter rewards for the final part of The Crows of Mana'Olana story arc.

I also wanted to take the opportunity to THANK YOU ALL for the support, patience and understanding throughout this fulfillment which took way longer than anticipated. At the end of the day I'm the one responsible for delivering the goods and respecting deadlines and I want to apologize for the delays one more time.

If you have any other questions or comments please feel free to leave a comment or PM me.

All the best!


CHROMIUM COVER BOOKS HAVE ARRIVED!! Fulfillment will resume and everything will be sent by Monday!!! \o/
about 5 years ago – Fri, Aug 09, 2019 at 03:01:55 AM

Alright, right at the last minute possible I'm happy to announce the Chromium Kickstarter Exclusive covers have arrived and fulfillment can finally resume!

I'm flying back to Brazil on Monday but I expect to ship EVERYTHING left by then. It will be tight but I'm confident I can make it work.

I wish I had only good news to share but unfortunately that's not the case...

The factory in China did a VERY poor job packaging and shipping the Chromium books and seeing how the rest of the order that came first was neatly packaged it almost feel they did this out of spite. The books were stuffed in a box and shipped. That was it. No protection whatsoever, not even the standard bubble-wrap... I'm attaching pics below.

While I will pick and choose the best-looking books to ship out please bear that in mind when receiving your units.

I may not be able to ship "grade 10 mint" comic books for those that are looking to CGC this.

I will be back in touch next week to confirm fulfillment is complete and share instructions and time lines on possible replacements/missing items.

Thank you all so much for your patience and understanding!



This is how one of the boxes arrived...
This is how one of the boxes arrived...

Fulfillment (ALMOST) complete! Please read for important info \o/
about 5 years ago – Sat, Jul 27, 2019 at 02:04:56 AM

Hey everyone!

I'm happy to announce that over 500 packages have been sent already and are making their way to most of you across the globe. Please give it up to three weeks for packages to arrive - especially international backers.

I used BackerKit and EasyPost to ship everything and the system should have automatically sent tracking codes to your Kickstarter registered e-mails so you can follow along. Make sure you are getting e-mails from BackerKit please.


After all how can I ship packages when I don't have mailing addresses, right?


I have about 361 packages left to mail yet which include the Kickstarter Exclusive Edition that should have been printed in a Chromium cover. I've been in touch with the factory in China and they finished re-printing the whole order this week.

I expect the corrected books to arrive around August 5th when I will complete the fulfillment for The Few and Cursed #5.

Everything else that did not include a Chromium book has been shipped.


These are sent separately in mailing tubes so don't worry if your package arrives days before the prints, they are on their way and will be going out on Monday. 

I would never fold the posters and include them in envelopes.


It can happen so please bear with me. Please verify all your items have arrived. It was a hectic  logistics experience to get these many packages out the door with so many different builds. Mistakes happen and I'm pretty sure one or more backers might notice an item missing.

I also continue to perfect my shipping methods and even though I think I got to a pretty standard already damages might have occurred under the care of USPS.

In either case please E-MAIL ME at [email protected]. You  have to e-mail me instead of messaging me here on Kickstarter so I can queue you up for a replacement or secondary package. In case of damaged  goods I will also need photos of the damage.


I know a number of you were waiting to get your TFAC#5 comics before jumping on the next issue's bandwagon and I sincerely hope now is the perfect time to finally get back to the series. 

Please hit the link below to find our online store with issue #6 and all the other exclusive items to be manufactured as a result of the Kickstarter campaign:

Your credit cards won't be charged until mid-October when BackerKit survey go out and lock down so any purchases at the online store is more like a reservation of items - including our limited variant covers and other collectibles.

*Shipping is also not final and it will be added only when the order is locked.

Thanks so much for your patience during this fulfillment and I hope the finished rewards packages more than make up for the long wait!

