
The Few and Cursed

Created by Felipe Cagno

Welcome to The Few and Cursed & Timberwolf Entertainment online store! Please scroll down for all our titles including digital editions of sold out books like both the 321: Fast Comics. The Few and Cursed is a creator-owned comic book series about people trying to survive a world where most of the water was just gone overnight in a mysterious apocalyptic event in 1840. People turned to dark arts, old tales of mischief and curses to survive. But for every darkness there is also light - and among the few and cursed are those willing to fight to bring balance to the lands: the Curse Chasers.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Few and Cursed #6 now LIVE on Kickstarter! Who's with me on Day 1?!
over 5 years ago – Wed, May 29, 2019 at 02:18:56 AM

Alright, alright, alright, the FINAL chapter in The Few and Cursed: Crows of Mana'Olana saga is now LIVE on Kickstarter and welcoming pledges :D

Hope to see many of you over there!

Thanks so much for sticking with Red and trusting Fabiano and I with this story, your continued support does not go unnoticed and we really appreciate it!



Imporant update on Shipping date for your rewards! PLEASE READ!! Plus Issue #6 launch date as well \o/
over 5 years ago – Wed, May 22, 2019 at 02:29:03 AM


Hiya everyone!

Last we spoke I had fulfillment locked to begin next week at the latest. I've been working with the factory in China for the past couple of weeks because we had problems with the Chromium printing for both the Kickstarter Exclusive cover and collectible cards.

What this means is our order is leaving their warehouse in China next week for a four-week trip across the Pacific.

Yes, that derailed my original shipping date but I'm confident we won't have any more delays unless another disaster strikes (i.e.: the cargo gets hold up in Customs). Here's CrossBlue representative's original e-mail sent last week on the 15th:

I don't want to jinx it and I sincerely apologize for the delay but here's the new shipping date:


I understand that's about a month late and I'm really sorry but I've worked with CrossBlue before on the Lost Kids books and even though they were a couple of weeks late the quality was just outstanding (by the way if you missed the Kickstarter but would like to get the books, click right here for our Indiegogo post-campaign).

Every other item though is ready to ship - back issues, prints, magnets, post-cards, collectible cards, they are all done.

However, this delay with CrossBlue does put me (again... oy!) in an awkward position though because... 


Kickstarter preview link:

That's right, Fabiano and I have been hard at work on issue #6 and we have a lot done for it so far. Pretty much all the covers are complete, some promo artwork we intend to use for the cards, prints, it's all already in the works.

I'd really appreciate if you all hit the link above and signed up to be notified upon launch. 

If you plan on coming back to the series and getting the last part please consider backing as early as possible - it tremendously helps to get as many early pledges as possible and you don't get charged until the very end anyway so really getting that pledge early on is all advantages only.


The way Kickstarter works the more pledges we get early on, the more we get featured by Kickstarter, the higher we are in the Comics category where tons of new readers might get a glimpse and join us as well.

Then it's the good ol' snowball effect \o/

I sincerely hope we can outdo this very one Kickstarter and unlock more and more and more awesome items!!


Mark your calendars, sign up, leave some feedback and let's continue this great ride together! And let's not forget what's also launching very very soon....


Yes, that's right, The Few and Cursed Board Game: A Curse Chasing Adventure is also launching on Kickstarter in the upcoming weeks!!

I will have a post up exclusively for the game once Rock Manor Games is ready to share a preview, folks.

Once again, I'm sorry about the delay in sending out your rewards, as always I will keep you all updated as the situation unfolds if anything deviates from the dates outlined in this update. If you've got any questions, critics or suggestions please leave a comment right here or shoot me an e-mail at [email protected]

Thanks so much for your continued support and understanding!



Less than 6hrs left on The Lost Kids Vol. 2 Kickstarter! Help us unlock yet another Commemorative Coin \o/
over 5 years ago – Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 01:09:16 AM


Hiya, folks!

I promise this is the last you'll hear about The Lost Kids: Seeking Samarkand comic books so please bear with me as I really wanted to reach out in hopes of getting more of you to jump between projects and help us unlock a THIRD COMMEMORATIVE COIN!

It was quite serendipitous to get today the 3D renderings for The Few and Cursed coin #2 which will be included in every package going out in the mail next month to all of you. If the Redhead already has two coins, I think it's about time the Lost Kids get theirs as well, right?

3D sculpt and render by Firescale Studios based on Fabiano Neves' design. We're now having molds made to strat manufacting \o/
3D sculpt and render by Firescale Studios based on Fabiano Neves' design. We're now having molds made to strat manufacting \o/


And a lot of you can help us get there!

The Kickstarter for The Lost Kids ends TONIGHT at 11:59pm EST so we haven't got much time left but we're close enough, very very close!

This is the perfect opportunity to get both volumes that make up the whole story - either in digital format or in print. If you do get the books in print though they will be mailed out loaded with extra goodies, a lot of extra goodies, we really unlocked a number of cool add-ons:


I can't stress enough how The Lost Kids is a  dear project to me. It was my first graphic novel and the project that kickstarted my career in comics. The Redhead would never come to be if  it wasn't for this adventurous group of rascals trying to find their way  home.

Click the Kickstarter link and come check it out. I promise  you won't regret it and you'll find the same hard work and quality as The Few and Cursed. There are sword fights, huge airship battles and even a monster or two. That's the Lost Kids \o/


I should have The Few and Cursed #5 proofs from the printer next week (they were mailed out this past Monday) and I promise we'll go back to Redhead news only. Sorry for the plug but every bit of help counts.

All the best!


Here are the winning artworks for post-cards + 5 Days left on the Lost Kids AWESOME Kickstarter!!! \o/
over 5 years ago – Sat, Apr 20, 2019 at 11:44:54 PM


Thank you so much for everyone that voted and picked the three artworks that will be featured in a beautiful set of post-cards to be mailed out with every copy of The Few and Cursed #5!

I'm now waiting on the proofs to arrive from the factory in China and last I heard we are still good for fulfillment to begin late next month. I just e-mailed the printer again for another update and I will continue to keep you all posted.

Here are your winning artworks for the post-cards:




We are going into the final stretch of The Lost Kids Kickstarter with a real shot at unlocking every single planned Stretch Goal - we're talking about collectible cards, dust-jacket, upgrades to the books and hopefully another one of those minted metal coins!

I'd really appreciate it if you'd head over to the link above and check out the project. It's really a passion project with great characters, lots of action and adventure. Not to mention you can read the full story from beginning to end when you get volumes 1 & 2.


Thanks so much for your continued support, your patience in getting your items and your excitement towards The Few and Cursed! 

If you need to contact me for whatever reason, may that be critiques, comments, feedback, please feel free to shoot me an email at [email protected] or reply this message directly.

All the best!


POST-CARDS POLL! Cast your vote and help pick the three best-looking artworks for the post-cards \o/
over 5 years ago – Sat, Apr 13, 2019 at 02:05:50 AM



Hello everyone,

Consider this another step in fulfilling your rewards. As part of the unlocked Stretch Goals you all get to choose what artworks you'd like to be featured in a set of three post-cards.

Please click the link above to head over to a Google Form to cast your vote. It's one vote per backer only so this means you will have to sign in to make your choice count. There are six brand new artworks to choose from, pick your three faves =)

But hurry, the voting ends next Friday April 19th at 11:59pm EST!



Layout sketch exclusively commissioned for our second SNES game box replica! Yep, we already unlocked a second promo SNES box by Danusko Campos \o/
Layout sketch exclusively commissioned for our second SNES game box replica! Yep, we already unlocked a second promo SNES box by Danusko Campos \o/


Did anybody say anything about collectible cards?

That's right, the Lost Kids: Seeking Samarkand Vol. 2 Kickstarter has unlocked enough Stretch Goals to start its' own set of collectible cards!

We've already unlocked Card #1 by Upper Deck artist Tou Vue and we're working towards Card #2 by Marvel artist Gilberto Martimiano Jr. (you guys might remember his art from the Halloween Redhead special print and his work on The Few and Cursed board game).

If you hadn't had a chance to check out the Lost Kids yet hit the link and come on over. We've unlocked multiple promo items and we're in good shape to be my biggest Kickstarter to date. Pretty exciting!


Thanks so much for your patience and enthusiasm towards The Few and Cursed #5. It is with great responsibility and gratitude that I'm always doing my best to give you all a memorable Kickstarter experience.

If anybody has any questions or critiques please feel free to either reply this message or drop me an e-mail at [email protected]

All the best and happy voting!
